Good New For Kids In South Carolina

March 5, 2009 at 2:58 pm (tattoo) (, , , , , , , , , , )

Every state in the United States has different laws about what age is legal to get a tattoo. However, most states simply apply by the 18 years of age law. South Carolina on the other hand is one of those states that has the legal age of getting a tattoo set at 21 years of age. Although their law states that a person under the age of 21 can still get some ink, if they have parental consent from their parents. Well there is some good news for citizens of South Carolina the legal age of getting a tattoo is very likely to drop to 18. A Senate panel is going to discuss this matter this week and more than likely overturn the law from 21 to 18 to legally get a tattoo.

The president of the senate in South Carolina states that it is unconstitutional to treat 18-year-olds differently than other adults,  but there is one exception to the rule,when it comes to the legal age of drinking.  Another politician that thinks the law of getting a tattoo is a bit too old says that  if teens are old enough to join the military and defend their country, they’re old enough to get a tattoo.

So if you are a 18 year old living in South Carolina be prepared for the legal age of getting a tattoo the changed very soon. But please keep in mind the reason the law was more than likely set at 21 is because teens don’t always make the best decisions. So think your tattoo design out thoroughly and make sure it is something you can live with for the rest of your life. And for heaven sake don’t get a girlfriend and a boyfriends name tattooed on you.

Your Tattoo Friend


Here are some great Tattoo Designs you can check out!

1 Comment

  1. Sarah said,

    Can a 17 year old get a tattoo with his parent there to sign in South Carolina? I myself have 13 tatts and my son is turning 17 this weekend and has been deciding his first tattoo for over a year now and I owuld like to have it done for him for his birthday.

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