Are Tattoos A Turn Off?

December 2, 2008 at 5:50 pm (tattoo) (, , , , , , , , , , )


I bet a lot of American men would say that No, tattoos are not a turn off on the opposite sex, especially if a woman has a tattoo on her lower back. Well according to a survey of 1000 people in Australia from the ages of 18 to 70, they seem to disagree. The results of this survey were that 56 percent of men find tattoos unattractive on women, while only 50 percent of women think men with tattoo are unattractive. Surprisingly enough the higher income a person makes seems to help them think that tattoos are a little bit more acceptable and not a turn off.

However, this informative survey is a bit misleading. For instance it only surveyed a 1,000 people, which doesn’t even account for a huge country like Australia and secondly, they were only asked if they were unattractive. They were not asked if they thought they were trashy and unacceptable. Just because you don’t find them attractive doesn’t mean the whole country hates them. Some one of the opposite sex that had a huge tattoo covering half of their body most people wouldn’t find attractive. It all depends on how things are worded, which that information was not divulged.

Despite the Australians not caring for tattoos, it hasn’t stopped the growing popularity of tattoos. In fact tattoo artist will quickly admit the a lot of people enter their studios and request to get a tattoo that a celebrity has. Just keep in mind if you don’t want your tattoos to be perceived as unattractive stick with something small and very tastefully done.

Your Tattoo Friend


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