Cream To Help Tattoo’s Be Less Painful

May 7, 2009 at 2:55 pm (tattoo) (, , , , , , , , , , )


The number one question that is asked when someone hears the word tattoo or sees a tattoo, is does it hurt? Of course the answer to that is yes. Well if you don’t have a very high pain tolerance but really want a tattoo you maybe looking for some alternatives or something to help numb the pain of a tattoo. If you have looked for and found any kind of cream that promises to numb the pain of tattooing you might want to read the rest of this article before you go out and buy it.

First of all the whole idea of getting a tattoo is enduring the pain that comes along with it. It is truly part of the tattooing experience. However, if you are very concerned about the pain you might try Emla Cream which is suppose to numb your skin up to 30 to 45 minutes. The problem with that is you have to apply it 30 minutes before you get a tattoo and it might not last the whole time you are getting tattooed. Also it has been reported from some tattoo artist that have had customers use this particualr cream, that after the cream wears off the pain, and throbbing sensation that comes is worse than the actually pain and discomfort from getting a tattoo. If that’s not enough to deter you from this cream, some tattoo artist say that it can create problems with them administrating the tattoo because the tattoo ink can react with the cream on your skin.

The moral of the story is if you can’t take the pain than maybe you shouldn’t be getting the tattoo. As it is stated above the pain is all part of the tattoo experience.

Your Tattoo Friend


Here are some great Tattoo Designs you can check out!

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