Trashy or Sexy

October 14, 2008 at 7:49 pm (tattoo) (, , , , , , , , , )


I am well aware of the fact that I wrote a post a few months ago about tattoos being sexy. Well I thought it might be fun to play a little game called trashy or sexy. What I’m referring to is people who have a lot of tattoos, do they look trashy or sexy to you. I for one will admit that some women I see that have half or most of their body covered in tattoos look trashy and there a just as many I see that I think look sexy. So one may wonder what makes your tattoos look trashy and what makes them look sexy.

I will go first. I think that it all depends on how you carry yourself. If you are confident and a strong person it will reflect when one looks at you and if you have multiple tattoos I think it makes you look sexy. So what makes you look trashy. To be honest I don’t really know, but I think it has something to do with the placement, what the tattoos are of and how colorful they are. I mean if you have a ton of very bright and colorful tattoos all over you body one may think they are a little much and that might lead them to think they are a little bit on the trashy side.

So I want you the readers to be the judge on this one. According to the two pictures above which one do you think is trashy and which one do you think is sexy? Or do you think they are both trashy or both sexy?

Your Tattoo Friend


Here are some great Tattoo Designs you can check out!


  1. delaney55 said,

    I agree with you, though I won’t say “trashy” as much as I would say “better”. I think the girl on the right photo with mostly black ink with it symmetrically placed on her body looks much better and “sexier” in my opinion. The girl with the colorful tattoos looks more unbalanced, less symmetrical. One looks well thought out, one doesn’t.

  2. Gunfighter said,

    Both sexy… but then, I have tats, too.

  3. smallhaus said,

    i say trashy tattoos are trashy on trashy people, but it depends on the tattoos as well.
    i know some people with trampstamps, and i find that kind of trashy
    but a real nice tattoo on a good spot can totally be considered art, and art sure isnt trashy 🙂

  4. Adam said,

    I have to agree with delaney55 up there–the one on the right looks much better than the left. The colors match better, it’s more symmetrical, and it looks like more thought was put into the overall effect.

  5. melanies. said,

    Tramp stamps are trashy. I don’t think sleeves could ever be trashy. I love how there’s a picture of Audrina and her sister from The Hills.

  6. RTwonder said,

    For the record, the girl on the left is way hotter!! Sleeves look so much better when they are one sided. (in my opinion) Also, as long as the art is top notch, I prefer color. As far as the whole trashy vs sexy thing is concerned, I live by a simple rule of thumb: It is not the tattoos that make you sexy, trashy, or ugly; (once again as long as the art is top notch) If you are hot to begin with then the tats will only help. The opposite is true for those who don’t care for their appearance otherwise. One last comment, the girl on the right has no face; the tats are only part of the package and not the whole thing. Lets compare apples to apples here. (I wish I could get that girl in the reds number!)

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