Ten Aftercare Tips For Foot Tattoos

May 30, 2009 at 9:36 am (tattoo) (, , , , , , , , , , )


The popularity of foot tattoos is sweeping the United States by a storm. More and more people, mainly women are wanting to get their foot tattooed. So one may wonder why are foot tattoos getting so popular and why is every one wanting one. Well to begin with foot tattoos are just cool. Think about it if you thought your foot was a little ugly or your simply don’t like feet, adding some ink to that area automatically makes it cool. Another reason why they have gotten so popular is that they are exclusive and quite distinctive. Lastly, a foot tattoo adds to your foot a touch of unmistakable sex appeal and attractiveness.

So if you are considering getting a foot tattoo, you may want to follow these 10 aftercare tips.

1. First and foremost only get one foot tattooed at a time. Foot tattoos are considered to be more painful and your will more than likely experience some swelling of your foot. These swelling may cause you difficulty in walking the first few days.

2. Make sure you clear your schedule so you don’t have to wear shoes the rest of the day after you get the tat and the day after. If you have to wear shoes makes sure to wear flip flops or sandals. You want to refine from covering your tattooed area with a shoes, flip flop or sandal.

3. You may want to have a designate driver depending on what foot your get tattooed. It maybe uncomfortable or painful for you to press down on the pedals depending on what foot your get tattooed.

4. It is very important to go straight home or to a place where you can prop your feet up and elevate your tattooed foot to help decrease the swelling. It is also a good idea to apply ice to your foot as often as you can.

5. If you have to work after getting your tattoo and you sit at a desk be sure to try and elevate your foot as much as you can and if you work on your feet be sure to take as many breaks as you can and elevate your foot.

6. It is a good idea to stay hydrated and drink plenty of water. Also some experts say to cut down on your sodium intake as well.

7. At the end of the day be sure to prop your feet up and apply some ice for a few hours.

8. It is normal to experience ups and downs with a foot tattoo. Some mornings your foot will feel fine other mornings it maybe real sore and hurt to put pressure on it.

9. Be sure to watch your tattoo carefully to make sure it is not getting infected. While minor swelling and redness is perfectly normal during the first week, excessive swelling, redness or pain accompanied by oozing or skin that is hot to the touch may indicate an infection. Foot infections can turn very bad very quickly and need to be treated immediately.

10. Lastly, be sure to get your exercise. Mild aerobic exercise that gets your heart pumping and increases your circulation can actually help with healing. Lack of oxygen and blood circulation slows down the healing process.

Please note that not all of these tips will apply to everyone that gets a foot tattoo. It’s just the general rule of thumb to follow if you start to experience any swelling. It is also just some good information to have just in case.

Your Tattoo Friend


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Tattoo Removal Becoming A Fad

May 28, 2009 at 2:19 pm (tattoo) (, , , , , , , , , , )


Believe it or not the tattoo removal business is booming right now. These laser tattoo removal facilities are actually looking for more doctors and whatnot to help meet the high demand of people wanting to get their tattoos removed. But on the flip side of that the tattoo business is also booming right now and they are one of the few businesses that are not struggling in these tough economic times.  But this is also a perfect time to discuss the importance of being 200% sure about the tattoo design you pick out. It is pretty safe to say that when you are 18 and get a cute little tattoo somewhere on your body that when you are 35 or 40 you might think it is childish and want it to go away. This is why it is so important not to make that mistake.

Picking out a tattoo design is a very hard decision and it is one that should be thought about for some time. Don’t just rush into picking out a design those almost always end in disaster.  Many celebrities as well as normal people are rushing to tattoo removal facilities to get those lover’s names, childish tattoos, and bad quality tattoos removed. Just follow these simply little tips when thinking about getting a tattoo. Stay always from lover’s names and portraits, don’t pick out a design on a whim. Do get a tattoo of your children names, your zodiac sign, your favorite pet or animal, or something simply as a little star, heart or flower. If you are thinking about getting your first tattoo just remember these above tips and try not to make a tattoo mistake. After all getting a tattoo removed can cost up to $1,000 a session and not to mention the pain that is involved.

Your Tattoo Friend


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Celebrity Mom’s With Tattoos

May 26, 2009 at 2:33 pm (tattoo) (, , , , , , , , , )


It is a safe to assume that since nearly half of the population in the United States has a tattoo that the next generation of kids will more than likely help make the percentage of tattoos go up. After all if you are a parent and you have a tattoo it would be very hypocritical for you to tell your children they couldn’ get a tattoo. However, if you have regrets about your tattoo, this would be a perfect time to help educate your children about tattoos. By doing so it will more than likely help prevent your child from making the same mistake that you did. It is definitely nothing new for celebrity moms to bare tattoos, just as it’s nothing new for regular moms to bare tattoos.

Below is a list of some popular celebrity moms that bare tattoos and are not ashamed of them.

1. Angelina Jolie-has more tattoos than she does children and is very open about them and her love for them.

2.Britney Spears-has several tattoos on her body and a few that were mistranslated.

3. Pamela Anderson-famous for showing off her body she also loves to show off her tattoos.

4.Jessica Alba-is a new mom that has several tattoos that she likes to show off.

5.Nicole Richie-is a bad girl gone good, who has several tattoos on her body to remind her of that wild girl she once was.

6. Victoria Beckham-this classy posh mom has several tattoos on her body and has no problem showing them off.

7. Christina Aguilera-has several tattoos on her body.

8.Kelly Ripa-the girl next door that everyone loves has a heart tattoo on her ankle.

9. Heidi Klum-the always happy and pretty super model mom has a tattoo of  her husband Seal’s name and her three children initials on her arm in another language.

10. Julia Roberts-the pretty woman herself has all three of her children names tattooed on her lower back.

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Misspelled Tattoos Happen More Than You May Think

May 23, 2009 at 10:14 am (tattoo) (, , , , , , , , , , )


One of the worst things that could happen to a person getting a tattoo is realizing that afterwards the tattoo is misspelled. Nine time out of ten there is nothing that can be done to fix that tattoo, so you end up having to live with it or you have to choice of trying to cover it up. This is why it is so important to follow the spell check rule before getting a tattoo. First make sure you know the correct spelling and as silly as it sounds make sure your tattoo artist know the correct spelling. But following these simply steps it should ensure that you will not receive a misspelled tattoo. However, it will more than likely turn into a nice conversation piece and you will probably learn to laugh about it later in life. Well it seems that regular people are not immune the the misspelled tattoo fortune. Many high profile celebrities have fallen victim to this as well.

Hero’s star Hayden Panettiere has recently been showing off a new tattoo that is on her side. It reads “vivere senza rimipianti” which is Italian for “to live with no regrets” well the sad thing is rimipianti was spelled with an extra “i”. It is probably a safe bet that she does regret that. Also mega hot soccer star, David Beckham has a misspelled tattoo of his wife’s name. What David wanted was Victoria” in Sanskrit What He Got was something totally different. He got “Vihctoria” in Sanskrit. Pop star Britney Spears wanted the Chines character for “Mysterious”, what she got was the Chinese character Strange”. Lastly, Rihanna wanted “Forgiveness, Honesty, Suppression and Control” in Sanskrit and she got “Forgiveness, Honesty, Suppression and Control” misspelled in Sanskrit.

Word to the wise especially if you are getting a tattoo in another language make darn sure that what you are getting is spelled right some goes with an English word.

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Information On Foot Tattoos

May 21, 2009 at 2:06 pm (tattoo) (, , , , , , , , , , )


With the popularity of foot tattoos on the rise people are constantly wondering about the pain level, if the ink fades quicker etc. Well there is some good news out there for some folks. People who have foot tattoos simply say that if you take care of it you should not experience too much fading, causing you to get it touched up frequently. These people state that you just need to make sure you put an SPF sunscreen of at least 50 on your tattoo when you are out in the sun and keep it motiorized. It is also recommend not to wear socks as often as possible. If you follow these simply tips than your foot tattoo should last as long as any other tattoo.

As far as the pain level with getting a foot tattoo it is a no brainier that it is going to be a little more painful than somewhere else on your body. However, no one seems to know for sure why foot tattoos hurt a bit more. Perhaps because your foot has a high number of nerve ending and no muscle between the skin and the bone. Either way you should be prepared for it to hurt. Also is has been reported that foot tattoos bleed more than a tattoo that you would get any where else on your body. This is really no big deal just make sure to keep your new tattoo clean. Also it is excepted for the healing time on a foot tattoo to be 3 to 5 days, which is no longer than any other tattoo. It is also recommend to try and stay off your feet if possible and try not to wear shoes and socks. So if you are thinking of getting a tattoo on your foot, it’s probably best to get one in the warmer months or in fall when it is still warm enough to wear flip flops or sandals.

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Celebrity Tattoos: Hayden Panettiere

May 19, 2009 at 2:23 pm (tattoo) (, , , , , , , , , )


Hayden Panettiere may have come out of know where but the Hero’s star has certainly started to make a name for herself in Hollywood. She is actively standing up for the rights of dolphins in Japan. She has been actively protesting the government over there and she was even got into some legal trouble over there because if it. Well the Hero’s star didn’t stop there, Hayden is also involved with several other charities that range from children to dogs to Whales. Hayden also sells her own clothes and gives the proceeds to charity. Now with all this good that this young star has done would you even think that she had some tattoos. This just goes to show that even good charity people that care deeply about animals and children can bare tattoos and not be a terrible, horrible, evil person.

Hayden is only at the ripe age of 19 but the Hero’s star has two tattoos of her own. Many people including her mother didn’t even know she had even gotten her first tattoo. Hayden’s first tattoo is so small it is rather hard to see, literally if you blink you miss it. Hayden has the Leo symbol right under her ankle bone on her left foot. Hayden also has another tattoo that runs down the side of her right side. No one has been able to fully see what this tattoo says but the first two words are, Vivere Memento, which is Italian for Live the moment.

So if you are thinking about getting a tattoo and want it in a place that people will probably not notice. Follow Hayden’s example and get something farily small right under your ankle bone.

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Most Commom Tattoo Myths

May 16, 2009 at 9:06 am (tattoo) (, , , , , , , , , , )


Just with anything in the world myths get born about certain people, places, procedures, life in general and tattoo are no exception to that either. There are several tattoo myths out there that need to be debunked. People need to be properly infomred of the truths about these myths and that some of them are complete hogwash.

1. The number one myth is that tattoos hurt. While this is true, some people hype it up to make people think it’s like giving child birth. The bottom line is, tattoos do hurt some and you will experience some level of discomfort but its nothing like having a child.

2. Tattoos bleed a lot. This is true and false. You will expereince some bleeding when getting a tattoo. However, the outline of the tattoo should rarely bleed, the shading of the tat is what bleeds and it will only bleed up to 5 or 10 minutes. Once you leave the shop your tattoo will have stopped bleeding.

3. The tattoo needle that is used is a single needle. This is false. Tattoo guns come with needles that are  clustered together and soldered in to groups of odd numbers:  3, 5, 7, etc.

4. Old tattoos turn blue. This is false, However, if you received a tattoo in the 50’s or 60’s you may experience this. Tattoo ink has improved greatly since then. Your tattoo will not turn blue.

5. Lighter color ink hurts more. This is a misconcpetion. Lighter color ink does not hurt more. The reason people beleive this is because the lighter colors are often applied last when the skin is the most sensitive.

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Interesting Tattoo Facts

May 14, 2009 at 2:40 pm (tattoo) (, , , , , , , , , )


Whether people like it or not tattoos are here to stay and more and more people are heading out to their local tattoo parlor every day to get a tattoo. For a society that does not think too kindly of tattoos they sure do pop in the least likely places. Our everyday lives revolve around tattoos in someway shape or form without one even realizing it. Tattoos are not an evil thing. They are just a form of self expression. With that being said there are a ton of interesting and fun facts about tattoos that people are not aware of.

*The word tattoo is one of the most misspelled words in the English language. It is mistakenly spelled tatoo, or tatto.

*Tattoos and tattoo related keywords are the most searched words on the internet beating out the adult industry.

*Tattooing has been used as a way of smuggling secret messages across enemy lines in times of war.

*It has been claimed that urine was once used to mix the colouring matter of some tattoo ink.

*The tattoo business has boobing during these tough economic the Untied States are dealing with.

*Women are more likely to get a tattoo removed.

*20% of women have a tattoo on their lower back. Also called the “tramp stamp” by some. This percentage is pretty larger considering that only 5% of women have a tattoo located some where else on their body.

*Tahitians believed that the process of tattooing the body served to contain its sacred power.

*Removing a tattoo can cost up to three times more than the design itself.

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Celebrity Tattoos: Hilary Duff

May 12, 2009 at 2:20 pm (tattoo) (, , , , , , , , , )


The former Disney star has stayed out of trouble and scandals and has been able to hold on to a good girl, wholesome image. She has worked hard to stay out of trouble and to live her life in privacy. She has admitted before when she turned 18 years old that she wasn’t interested in getting a tattoo because she felt she would be bored with it. She also admitted that she wasn’t sure she would be able to take the pain that’s involved with getting a tattoo. She was also quick to let everyone know she didn’t have a problem with them. But it looks like Hilary had a change of heart because she has been sporting some ink here recently.

Hilary decided that it was the right time in her life to get a tattoo. She has “Let it be” written in black right under the outside of her right ankle. Hilary opened up to In Touch Magazine about her tattoo and simply told them you only live once, so why not.

 “I wanted a tattoo, and you only live once. Someone came to my house and my mom and I did it together with a few of our friends.

Hilary also informed the magazine the reason behind her “Let it be” tattoo.

“I have a hectic, crazy life. Things are crazy all around me and I get stressed out. It’s like ,I’m just one little person so, let it be.”

As soon as parent’s hear about Ms. Duff’s tattoo let’s hope the don’t feel she is no longer a good role model for their children. Tattoo or no tattoo has nothing to do with what kind of person you are.

Your Tattoo Friend


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Ear Tattoos

May 9, 2009 at 8:40 am (tattoo) (, , , , , , , , , , )


Tattoo trends come and go over the years and it is always interesting to see what the next tattoo trend will be. Here lately it seems that the latest tattoo trends seem to be geared more towards woman. Maybe it’s because woman are tending to get more tattoos these days than men. In any case woman are constantly coming up with unique ways to have a tattoo but also have it in a place where it can be covered up if need be. The most popular tattoo location for woman hands down is the lower back. This location is very easy to cover up and it is also sexy. However, a new trend is emerging for women. The new trend is to have a tattoo on your ear or behind your ear.

Ear tattoos are slowly starting to gain popularity among women. This location is great because if you have long hair or hair that is long enough to put behind your ear the tattoo can be covered up. Depending on the design that the woman picks it can bring some feminine style as well as some  sassiness to a woman. Believe it or not this small location is not limited to just a few tattoos. The tattoo design that can go there are limitless. Also since the space on your ear and behind your ear is not that large the time it will take to get this done is rather short. However, it will more than likely be rather painful due to the fact that there is no fat to help cushion and absorb the pain from the tattoo. So it would probably not be advised for someone with low pain tolerance to get a tattoo there. But if you can muster the pain you will be very pleased with your new piece of body art on or behind your ear.

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