Baltimore Tattoo Museum

September 30, 2008 at 7:17 pm (tattoo) (, , , , , , , , , )

I thought this was rather interesting as well as pretty cool. There is a tattoo parlor/studio/shop whatever your prefer to call them in Baltimore that not only is a museum but serves as a functioning tattoo facility. The tattoo studio goes by the same name as the Museum, Baltimore Tattoo Museum. The museum consists of historical photographs, as well as articles, and of course there are plenty of colorful tattoo drawings mounted on the walls. The museum wraps around the whole shop and starts with the earliest days of tattooing and ends with tattoos current presence in today’s world.

I think this is great mainly because there are a lot of tattoo shops out there. So an important thing to do if you are a tattoo shop owner is make sure that your shop is unique and stands out to people. So this shops neat idea of showcasing the history of tattoos can help educate people on the art of tattooing and where it came from. Which I think is a wonderful thing. After all if you have a question about something you have seen in the exhibit who better to ask than one of the tattoo artists.

So if you are in the Baltimore area and are a huge tattoo lover or are just interested in the history of tattooing be sure to stop by this unique tattoo shop. They are located at 1534 Eastern Avenue in Fells Point. Also I have heard that the staff is very friendly and helpful to anything you may need or want.

Your Tattoo Friend


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Tattoo Rant

September 29, 2008 at 4:54 pm (tattoo) (, , , , , , , , )

 Okay readers I am sorry for this rant today but this is really starting to bug me. Also I  was wondering if anyone else in the tattoo community has had this problem. First of all I have a tattoo of a Lion’s head on my left shoulder blade. It is just the head of a Lion and for some unknown reason people always call it a Tiger. I’m like does a Tiger have a mane? No!! It is a Lion people. And then today I was at the grocery store and this guy came up to me and said, “Hey, I like your wolf tattoo.” I’m thinking to myself Wolf? How in the world can you get a wolf from a Lion. But I was nice and polite and smiled and said thank you and went on my way.

So my question is for everyone out there does this happen to you? Do you have a tattoo that people for some unknown reason cannot identify it properly? But this also got me thinking is my tattoo not as good as I think it is for people to keep thinking it is a Tiger and now a Wolf? This also leads me to a good tattoo tip. If you do not want to have the some problem I am having with my Lion tattoo getting mistaken for other animals. Make darn sure that your tattoo is clear and that their is no denying that what you are getting tattooed on you is what it really is.

Please note this Lion above is very similar to my tattoo except my tattoo is done in all black.

Your Tattoo Friend


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Random Thoughts

September 27, 2008 at 3:21 pm (tattoo) (, , , , , , , , )

Okay to be frank it is Saturday and I don’t really have a great post in mind for today, but I have been thinking of something that I thought I would share. For some reason I have been having the urge to get more tattoos but I haven’t acted on these urges mainly because of my husband. However, that is a different post for a different day. But this got me thinking about something. When we all get old and have wrinkly saggy skin what in the world will our tattoos look like? I mean I’m in my twenties now and it is cool to have tattoos but what happened when I’m in my 60’s or 70’s?

These thoughts have got me thinking should I get anymore tattoos because of this or should I just live it up while I’m young and get as many tattoos as I want. Honestly, these kind of thoughts are not going through peoples heads when they get tattoos. But maybe they should? But who am I kidding? I think you should be able to do whatever you want to your body/skin when you are young. Or heck even when you are old. It’s not uncommon for people who are in their 50’s or even 60’s to get their first tattoo. So i guess the moral of this post is. If you think you won’t be able to handle that butterfly you got when you were 18 sagging and turning into something else. Then you should probably stay away from the tattoo gun. But if you are like most people you will just deal with it when the time comes.

Your Tattoo Friend


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Text Tattoos Becoming More Popular

September 26, 2008 at 2:43 pm (tattoo) (, , , , , , , , , , )

To be frank I didn’t really think about text tattoos as they call them being all that popular. But once I sat back and started thinking about it, I started to realize that a lot of famous people do have some sort of text tattoo on their body. In case you are wondering what a text tattoo is, it is some sort of writing that one has tattooed on them. A lot of tattoo artist say that they are getting more and more request from clients to have some sort of saying, quote, name, poem or other kind of writing tattooed on them. Also note that even if the tattoo is not in English it is still considered a text tattoo.

Let’s think about this for a minute. Can you name I don’t know 5 or 10 celebrities that have text tattoos off the top of your head? I bet I can. Let’s see, Angelina Jolie, Christina Aguilera, Tommy Lee, Pamela Anderson, Heidi Klum, Travis Barker, Eva Longoria Parker, Lindsay Lohan, Megan Fox, Rihanna and the list goes on and on. So this just goes to show that text tattoos are very popular with famous people so I’m sure they are as equally popular with us regular folk. In case you were wondering most of these celebrities do have sayings tattooed on them in different languages, but none the less it is still considered text because it translates into words.

So if you have been thinking about getting some sort of text tattoo, don’t worry you are not the only one out there that will be displaying one. Just make sure that it is something unique and means something special to you. Don’t just get something random tattooed on you.

Your Tattoo Friend


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Heidi Klum Explains Her Tattoo

September 25, 2008 at 6:38 pm (tattoo) (, , , , , , , , , )

I just love this. Every since the Emmy’s last weekend people have started to noticed Heidi Klum’s tattoo that she has on the inside of her arm. Everyone is making such a big deal about it. I for one think it is great. The reason people are making such a big deal about it is because Heidi is considered one of the most beautiful models in the world. Thus, for some reason meaning that she can’t have tattoos. Well Heidi proved everyone wrong and got one and to be honest I think it looks great. And to all those people out there who think tattoos take away from you beauty look at Heidi and you will see that it absolutely does not.

The truth of the matter is Heidi has had this tattoo for while now. I knew this because I noticed she had it way back in May when she first go it. Heidi doesn’t understand what the big deal is about her tattoo but since Sunday she has been asked about it quit a bit.

This is what Heidi said about her interesting abstract type tattoo with three little stars.

“I’ve had it since May. My husband and I always get married every year. It was our fourth wedding, and we wanted to have our names tattooed together.”

“So it’s my husband’s name and our three children, their initials, in the (three) stars,” she added.

I personally think it is great that Heidi is passing it off like it is no big deal and she is right, it isn’t. I also think that whatever language she got Seal’s name in is very cool.

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Celebirty Tattoos: Tommy Lee

September 24, 2008 at 4:19 pm (tattoo) (, , , , , , , , , , )

It’s time for another edition of celebrity tattoo. Today I decided to do Tommy Lee, mainly because I have been watching this show called Battleground Earth  that comes on the Green Channel that stars Tommy Lee and Ludacris. I think it is safe to say that we all know that Tommy Lee pretty much has half if not more than half of his body covered in tattoos.

However, I wasn’t able to find a list of all the tattoos Tommy has, Tommy himself has even lost count. But I do know that he has Mayhem tattooed across his stomach, he has an ex-girlfriends lips tattooed on his neck. He has Brandon on one wrist and Dylan on another. Interesting note, he had both Brandon and Dylan write their names out and he took those to a tattoo artist and had him tattoo them on his wrist. And he has a huge tribal design covering almost all of his back. He also has two stars on each hand. This is pretty much all I know. Because the tattoo sleeves he has on his arms are pretty hard to make out. He also has several tattoos on his legs too but I’m not too sure what they are.

Tommy recently developed a clothing line called TL for PL and guess what the inspiration of his clothing line was? His Tattoos.

“I lost count a long time ago of how many I have. They’re all beautiful things. I love animals, and so there is everything from koi fish to leopards. There are cherry blossoms. I love flowers. There are dragons. There is fire and water. These are things that I will always love to look at, and hopefully people will love to wear.”

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At Home Tattoos

September 23, 2008 at 7:41 pm (tattoo) (, , , , , , , , , , )

I for one do not understand why some people take their chances with at home tattoos. To me this seems very stupid. For one there is more to getting a tattoo than just turning on the tattoo gun and going to town on your skin. First and foremost you need to have some sort of sterilizing equipment. You can get all sorts of diseases and infections from unclean tattoo needles. Also another huge concern is that the tattoo will more than likely turn out to be crap and you will have to live with that crap on your skin for the rest of your life. There is a reason why you pay medium to high dollar for a tattoo because you are paying for their expertise as well as clean equipment and the simple fact that they actually know what they are doing.

I’m not 100 percent certain about what I’m fixing to say, but I think that most people now a days that do the whole home tattoo thing are gang members and prisoners. The prisoner one is obvious because they are locked up and don’t have access to a professional. And the gang members I think it is because a lot of tattoo artist don’t like getting involved in that sort of thing, so they simple refuse to tattoo them. Of course I could be wrong about that, like I said I really don’t know for sure.

But people please please please think about all the possible things that could go wrong if you and your buddies decide to give each other home made tattoos. You should just bit the bullet and go to a professional and get it done right the first time.

Your Tattoo Friend


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Tattoos, Tattoos Everywhere

September 22, 2008 at 7:59 pm (tattoo) (, , , , , , , )

Over the weekend my husband and I attended the drag races and while we were there I couldn’t help to notice all the people that had tattoos. Of course this isn’t new to me because I am a tattoo lover and I know 36% of people from the ages of 18 to 35 have at least one tattoo. But what I found most interesting is the designs that people have. And the coolest thing about it is every tattoo is unique and different. As I have mentioned before tattoo designs are practically endless. But when you are out somewhere and actually get to see all the designs people have its cool, at least it is to me. And a lot of these people had more than one tattoo, which is very common. Also one thing that I found very interesting is that a vast majority of these people had tattoos on their legs, mainly the back of the calf.

 Another thing that I noticed was that most of the men there had black tattoos while the women had colored ones. Which this could mean nothing or it could mean that women prefer colored ink over black ink. Which I do not fall in that catogory. For some reason I prefer my tattoos to be in black ink. And as the statistics suggest most of these people were women. For some reason more 18 to 35 year olds that have tattoos are women. And interestingly enough more women regret their tattoos and have them removed more often than a man.

I just thought I would share this because it’s always nice to see these statistics in real life. If that makes any sense.

Your Tattoo Friend


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Megan Fox Bashes Tattoo Haters

September 20, 2008 at 11:36 pm (tattoo) (, , , , , , , , , , )

I know that I have already done a Megan Fox post on the Wednesday edition of Celebrity Tattoos. But none the less I had to write another post about her because she is bashing critics who claim that her tattoos are trashy. Megan has also stated that she will cover her whole body in tattoos just to spite these critics.

Megan said

“Everyone hates them because they’re closed-minded about tattoos. People who don’t like me, as far as fans go, always talk about how I’m trashy because I have tattoos. I find that insane! This is 2008, not 1950. Tattoos aren’t limited to sailors. I find them beautiful, so I’m going to keep doing it.”

I will admit that I do agree with Megan this isn’t 1950 anymore and regular people including hot Hollywood actress have tattoos and most of the time have more than one. But I will say that her choices in some of her tattoos are a little interesting. That Marilyn Monroe tattoo she has on her arm sticks out like a sore thumb. But her other eight tattoos, in my opinion are not trashy at all. I really believe that it is okay to have a lot of tattoos on your body, as long as you carry yourself well and have confidence in yourself. I think that makes your tattoos become kind of sexy and not trashy at all. There are plenty other celebrities out there that have 5 or 6 tattoos and they are as pretty and sexy as they can be. And not to mention most people don’t even know that they have that many tattoos.

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Henna Tattoos Cause Scars

September 19, 2008 at 7:43 pm (tattoo) (, , , , , , , , , , )

I have read several articles all over the internet claiming that a large amount of people around the world are having severe allergic reactions to henna tattoos. Granted most of these people have traveled out of the United States to somewhere in Asia. A nine year old girl from Greece got a henna tattoo and within hours of getting it, It blistered and when the blisters popped the ink began to scab off. Then it got redder and hotter. They went to a doctor and the docotor advised them to go to a burn unit at the hospital. Doctors are concerned that this temporary tattoo is going to scare this little girl for life.

There is also another horrible story about a 10 year old boy from Australia that is experience something a little different than blisters,  very dark hair is growing around the henna tattoo. Dermatologists say these horrible allergic reactions are being caused by the toxic dye para-phenylenediamine, or PPD, that these people are using while giving people these henna tattoos. This toxic dye is similar to the dye that is used in hair dye. Also experts are suggesting that these places in Asia are using black ink and not the traditional brown ink.

So the best advise dermatologists and parents who have children that have had reactions to these henna tattoos is just to avoid them all together, especially if you are out of the country. Also if you notice the ink they are using is black is another huge indication to stay away from them. If you want a fake tattoo just stick to the original temporary ones.

Your Tattoo Friend


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